Ultimo Aggiornamento lunedì 4 Novembre 2024, 5:56
A survey, USA, young people and job, in the field of PR and Communication.
According to the latest survey from Gould+Partners: “What PR Agencies Require of New-Hire Junior Account Executives,” PR M&A specialists and management consultants, the answers depend on the agencies’ wants and needs.
Now five Key Questions & the Results.
Q1: Minimum education: Nearly 97% of PR agencies want a bachelor’s degree as opposed to a Master’s degree, but that’s probably because the question asks solely for the minimum.
Q2: Preferred degree major: With a choice of seven majors, the three most important were public relations (92.86%), journalism (73.21%), and marketing (64.29%). Mass communication came in fourth (50%).
Q3: Preferred basic job skills: “Writer” was the clear first (92.59%) with “Media Pitcher” a close second (88.89%), and “Researcher” third (59.26%). Researcher in this instance means someone who is good at finding and analyzing information, not someone who is a professional opinion researcher.
Q4: Preferred knowledge: For their three choices among eight, the agencies picked Social Media Practices (88%), PR Practices (69%), and Marketing Basics (60%). Business Practices came in a close fourth at 58%). The emphasis on social media practices reaffirms the growing dominance of social media in today’s PR marketplace.
Q5: Preferred personal attributes: With a choice of five of eight attributes, the respondents chose articulate (83.93%), motivated (82.14%), strategic thinker (69.64%), cooperative (55.36%) and client centric (51.79%).
Other required skills that were mentioned include public speaking, presentation delivery, creative writing, storytelling, digital and video capabilities, and “out-of-the-box/online thinking.”
One agency provided a detailed description of its new-hire philosophy: “We look for a diversity of skills, we don’t want all traditional PR experience, but what else does the talent bring to the conversation. Where they have lived, worked, volunteered. How up to date are they on trends, digitization, economic and global issues that will be discussed with clients.
In general, new hires need to have most of the job requirements when they walk through a prospective employer’s door.
Gould Partners did the survey to help PR and marketing graduates have an easier time finding jobs and to help the agencies themselves codify their hiring requirements.
Don Bates
(Gould Partners and New York University)
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